I had the honour of being invited to celebrate a union of love. I'm a hopeless romantic so missing a wedding was an option not on the table. Seeing both weddings celebrate love traditionally made it even more special. More and more young couples are opting for a traditional and cultural celebration. As umZulu, the wedding process starts with amalobola with many events in the middle, leading up to the big day known as ukwabiwa/umabo. It is so liberating to be part of such authentic celebrations as many of us were torn between choosing western or our own cultural weddings. With that being said, here is the guide with tips for being a guest to an umembeso/umabo function.
Stick to the theme. It’s a traditional affair! Leave your satin and organza dresses for date nights and formal events. Don’t be afraid to wear pants, you’re not the bride so you can get away with it. Bring your colorful Ankara and isishweshwe print out to play. The bright patterns and colors are befitting to the occasion, it’s a happy day so bring all colors to play in your clothes and makeup. Yes! Your face, play with the bright eye shadow pallet that you always push to the bottom of your make up bag. Put blue, red, green or yellow on your tear ducts to make your eyes pop. Remember to apply sun screen, bake and set your make up as most probably you will spend most of your day in the sun at an open field singing ntab’ezikude. When it comes to shoes always go for a sandal or a cute pump, leave heels at home. Usually in a traditional wedding you stand for hours singing, chanting and probably dancing, you don’t want to miss out on the fun due to sore feet and blisters. Lastly, doek or wig, whatever compliments your outfit! (Don’t leave those sunglasses you like and an umbrella)
Check out our pictures for more inspiration
When you get there!
It’s going to be one hell of a long day. I mean long like as in a very long, long day. Bring your water and drinks and if possible bring food. Why? It’s a very busy day for both families, they most probably will not have time to cater to all your needs, plus family members would be tired from catering to different guests throughout the week. Go there to celebrate with them, not to stress them! Nibble on your snacks till food is served. Bring portable camp chairs, standing in the sun for hours is very draining. Don’t want to leave the party early due to exhaustion. Last but not least, have fun!