I need to see someone; Coffe anyone?
God answers our prayers, may it be in His own divine time, at His pace, in the end He answers them. These past 3 months umuntu has been going through the most. Elite umgowo! I always have a declaration for the year ahead and I declared 2019 to be the year of Unwavering faith in God. I'm practicing the skill of trust. A faith that can not be moved or swayed. A faith that moves mountains. The Elijah and Job kind of faith. Oh boy, if I knew that I would be tested in every way possible, I would have probably declared something else. I guess

that's the beauty of it all. When His grace is displayed little by little everyday, unexpectedly. I had an epiphany about prayer today, in the most unconventional way.
Coffe is my drug, my thrift item, my happy drink, my social content muse(I always post my cappuccinos since they're super cute). There's something about Coffe that puts my heart at ease. With all these price hikes everywhere, I needed a new dealer (drug dealer, get it? Yes? No?). I discovered a gem, in fact a safe haven. In there, is a coffe enthusiast. A charming kind man, kind enough to ask me how am I? My biggest flaw is forgetting that I do matter. The young gentleman not only served the best lattes, but he also provides a service I never knew I needed
. Conversation. Something we all long for but never really attempt as it's just easier to text. What a therapeutic cup of coffee it was. I felt a sense of relaxation through his conversation. An experience I am truly grateful for.
I'm sharing this because my 'Aha!' moment hit me like a gust of wind. An answered prayer, right there in that small bright orange coffe shop. Ironically called ekhaya, I really felt at home. An answered prayer of meeting the most delightful stranger whose conversation contributed to my healing. My last sip evoked hope in me. I was even happier knowing on my 5th visit, coffe will be free.
As I blog today with untidy bantu knots that I will fix just now and dressed in my maternity dress that I'll probably change. I hope you find your own inner guidance that will help you remember that you do matter. Achieve your goals and take care of yourself. Most importantly, experience answered prayers.
With love Ndo
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Your writing really makes it easy for the eyes to follow while the mind paints the picture.